Paid parking to be implemented in parts of downtown Poulsbo...
Following years of discussion about finding solutions to downtown parking, The Poulsbo City Council took action at its March 19...
Bainbridge baseball dominates Olympic in back-to-back games
The Bainbridge Spartans baseball team showcased its offensive talent at home March 19, beating Olympic 11-2.
SK humbled as softball loses opener to Rogers
South Kitsap softball struggled to get its offense going in the Wolves’ first game of the season against Rogers March…
Shield Law for healthcare workers, patients gaining support
As reproductive health access becomes increasingly restricted across the country, expanding Washington’s law that protects patients and healthcare workers is…
KPHD: flu, RSV levels remain high but are trending down
The state Department of Health reported “very high” levels of flu statewide between Feb. 23 and March 1.
Bainbridge Island dental practice offers hope to patients with severely...
Discover the TruBridge Solution for dental restorations
Xfinity Internet Customers in Kitsap County Get Speed Upgrade and...
[gps-image name="38878866_web1_M3-Rodrigo-Lopez.jpg"]Kitsap News Group hires 3 new reporters
Kitsap News Group recently hired three new reporters to its team.
SK students advance to state art show, win CWU scholarships
Kristie Cruz and Joslyn Cobb from South Kitsap High School have been selected to advance to state in the 2025…
Procession for SK firefighter who died of job-related cancer
PO residents concerned about permits, event restrictions
Hydroponic Garden at new bakery turns challenges into green success
Man responds to fake ad, arrested for child rape
30-day warning period for speeders near Poulsbo Elementary
US, Canada songs in online event Sunday
Sunshine Week…or ‘Secrecy Creep’
Corruption flourishes without journalism
Upcoming Bremerton Marathon a great option for locals
When Kitsap County runners look for marathon races to compete in, the choices they find usually require a lengthy commute…
Not accepting Trans definitions not cruelty, just biology
Zipper merge encouraged when traffic is heavy
Retiring even after 40 years isn’t that easy
New tariffs could hit Washington farmers hard
Focus on positive sides of meaningful relationships
Few situations where it’s legal to drive snowmobiles on public...
NK softball splits non-conference doubleheader
The North Kitsap Vikings softball team split a doubleheader March 15 at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds against two non-conference opponents,…
SK boys soccer loses opener 3-1 to 2A Seattle school
South Kitsap’s 4A boys soccer team lost its opening game of the season March 12 at home 3-1 to 2A…
NK track looks to continue late coach’s legacy this season
The Vikings are looking to honor Dave Snyder’s legacy, including a lightning bolt on their uniforms.
BI festival again attracts thousands
The 35th annual Bainbridge Island Mochi Tsuki Festival attracted thousands of people Jan. 11, bringing out the confectioner, dancer, musician…
Kitsap County’s favorite reads in 2024 are local at heart
The Kitsap Regional Library released its “Wrapped” list for 2024, a compilation of books that most captivated county readers of…
Free meals delivered to help those in need
Another event is coming Dec. 21