What in the world is going on at the Humane Society?

There are a lot of questions but few answers about the way the Kitsap Humane Society is being manipulated by its new executive director.

For example, what’s the reasoning behind the “don’t talk to anyone about anything” agreement those being forced out at the Humane Society are being “asked” to sign?

How can so many people who were, up until November, valued and valuable employees, all of a sudden be individuals whose skill sets are no longer required?

How can a completely made-over staff, with little qualification other than a few online courses about animal welfare and the ability to say yes to whatever the new executive director wants to do and whatever he wants to spend, be effective in the world of animal welfare and in an organization that depends on contributions from donors knowledgeable not only about animal welfare but also about how successful organizations are run?

What has happened to the proactive board of directors?

Why is membership on the board, which has a target number of 15 members of the Kitsap County community, now down to five members who sit mute as the executive director holds sway?

When good people — good employees and good board members — leave a community organization in droves, I believe the situation cries out for a good review from the donors and the community at large.


