I’m all for Kitsap Alliance of Property Owners (KAPO) President Karl Duff’s vision for Kitsap County (“PSRC’s vision would keep Kitsap a ‘bedroom.’” Oct. 15) and urge him on to success in his fight against the evil Puget Sound Regional Council.
Let’s support KAPO in its fight to get rid of all hunting, fishing, surface water, open space, shoreline, skyline, beaches and trees.
Our real purpose in life is not to enjoy these things but to hand it all over to the rich developers who own the Democratic/Republican county government, so they can convert our land into an endless facade of empty strip malls, being paid tax kick-backs to do so.
Just drive up Mile Hill Drive and check out the empty buildings. We need more of those.
It’s better than wide open spaces for kids to roam around.
Kids need to be parked in front of the boob tube instead, so they can be conditioned to work in the weird kind of business that Mr. Duff wants to attract.
Big-box, low-wage and part time so people can’t collect health benefits, or if they do get full-time they then must work 60 hours a week much of it unpaid.
Hooray for Vision KAPO.
Port Orchard