Letter to the Editor

Vote against school nursing program

To the editor:

Having conversed with South Kitsap School District superintendent Tim Winter about School Based Health Centers I was enlightened. He informed me that he is very aware of everything going on with education in the United States. Knowing that California, Oregon and Washington were the last three states to join this national education plan I was dumbfounded.

Winter stated he had no knowledge of this nationwide school nursing plan and all the services the plan will provide. I found that odd because many districts in Seattle have already put this dangerous and unhealthy plan into action. In addition, the plan is a violation of federal and state law.

Think about this: Anything done to your child under this school nurse plan will be kept secret from student’s parents.

SKSD wants your “yes” vote on its $133 million levy in February. But it hasn’t explained why the budget is going up $30 million this year. Is it to fund this new nursing program or more illegally negotiated salaries?

Larry Mann

Port Orchard