Letter writer is misinformed

Miss Cathy Leslie, let’s examine your facts — or lack thereof — of Donald Trump as the wrong person for the presidency (“Prefers Ryan or Fiorina to Trump for president,” page A4, June 17 edition).

Letter writer is misinformed

Miss Cathy Leslie, let’s examine your facts — or lack thereof — of Donald Trump as the wrong person for the presidency (“Prefers Ryan or Fiorina to Trump for president,” page A4, June 17 edition).

1. “Donald Trump is a serial liar”: A blank statement without one example to back up your accusation, just blather. This might help if I give you an example of a lie. Obamacare: If you like your doctor you may keep your doctor. If you like your medical insurance, you may keep your medical insurance. Under Obamacare, you will spend $2,500 less per year. All lies — and that’s backed by facts.

2. “Trump is xenophobic and wants only white people in America”: Wow, Miss Leslie. I have taken in every speech and every debate, and Donald Trump has never said that. I did not hear that and neither did you. Refer back to example No. 1: The Obamacare lie.

3. “Trump is a racist”: No examples. No facts. Once again, just blather.

4. “Trump is misogynist”: Again, no facts. Here is a fact or two. Hillary Clinton pays the women on her staff less than the men. In modern times, Bill Clinton is the most abusive president ever in regards to treatment of women. Examples backed up with facts and truth.

5. “Muslim ban”: Trump stated his ban would be only temporary, until a vetting process was established clearing them or not from radical Islamist ties.

Every year of the Obama presidency, there have been attacks on U.S. soil. No matter from illegals or home-grown — all radicalized Muslim terrorists. And those are facts, not just blanket statements or blather.

Lastly, just one final thought. People who live in glass houses ought not cast stones.

Vern Laprath

Editor’s note: Two sites I recommend for readers who want to fact-check statements by candidates, and writers of letters to the editor:

FactCheck.org, a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center.

PolitiFact.com, a Pulitzer Prize-winning project of the Tampa Bay Tribune.

