Appreciation of unsung heroes

I was recently honored by being named a “Community Treasure” by the five-state Pride Foundation and also selected as the “Citizen of the Year” by the Silverdale Chamber of Commerce. I am grateful for this opportunity for me to express my heartfelt appreciation to all who were involved, but especially to relate my knowledge that no one person accomplishes worthwhile efforts on behalf of the community.

I was recently honored by being named a “Community Treasure” by the five-state Pride Foundation and also selected as the “Citizen of the Year” by the Silverdale Chamber of Commerce. I am grateful for this opportunity for me to express my heartfelt appreciation to all who were involved, but especially to relate my knowledge that no one person accomplishes worthwhile efforts on behalf of the community.

We in Kitsap County and throughout the Northwest have a stellar reputation of giving in so many ways that make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. It is important, also, to understand many people are in need in ways we often don’t recognize. A kind word, a moment of humor, a friendly smile can lighten the recipient beyond measure.

My purpose in writing is to pass my awards on to the unsung heroes, those who have supported me and those who quietly and gently see the needs of the community and fill them. I celebrate and cheer my community and those who serve it so well.

At this time of Thanksgiving I am grateful for my family who, with so many others, hold me in the palm of their hands and never let me fall.

I try to adhere to an expression spoken often by my son James, “All you have to do in life is to show up.” Thank you to all who show up over and over again.


