SEATTLE — The Washington State Archives found this gem in its records: a photo of the first “Trump Tower,” at 400 Second St. in Seattle.
Frederick Trump, grandfather of presidential candidate Donald Trump, emigrated the U.S. from Germany in 1885 at the age of 16. Soon after his arrival in Seattle in 1891, he purchased a restaurant, which also offered “private rooms for ladies,” located in Seattle’s red-light district.
He operated the Dairy Restaurant until 1893, when he moved to Monte Cristo to build a hotel catering to gold and silver prospectors. With the start of the Yukon Gold Rush in 1897, Trump returned to Seattle and opened another restaurant, this time outside the red-light district. He sold the restaurant and his other local properties and left Seattle for the Yukon the following year. He never returned to Washington state.
He ultlmately settled in New York City, where he invested in real estate. When he died in 1918, his widow, Elizabeth, and son, Fred, continued his real estate projects under the company name, Elizabeth Trump & Son. That company is now known as The Trump Organization, which is owned and managed by the presidential candidate.