South Kitsap Golf Classic is successful

The second annual South Kitsap Golf Classic was another successful event.

The second annual South Kitsap Golf Classic was another successful event.

On July 10, 114 golfers hit the course at Trophy Lake Golf and Casting under ideal weather for a tournament, sponsored by the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce.

There were 28 teams competing in the tournament this year. The team of Rob Putaansuu, Scott Houmes, Brian Nilsen and Jeff Nilsen took first place, while the foursome of John Hart, John Sakai, Ed Santos and Mark Stoner claimed second. Gordon Payseno, Dex Myers, Tim Myers and Tom Myers finished third.

Don Rennecker and Jeff Nilson tied for first in the putting contest.

In the longest drive contest, Randy Galla had the top drive among men, while Jenna Eagleson had the longest among women.

Suzanne Mehlert and Sonny ‘Big Cat” Barnett were the winners of the women’s and men’s closest to the hole contest.

Chamber President Lance Fong feels the event will put Trophy Lake and the SK Golf Classic on the map as a premier golf tournament for the Kitsap Peninsula.

“The Chamber golf tournament is turning into one the premier golf events on the Kitsap Peninsula,” Fong said. “It’s a great community event with a lot of support from the community. There are a lot of great connections being made among local public officials, businesses, and local educators.

Christine Daniel, Chamber executive director, said with the support of businesses and volunteers, the event would not be possible.

“It goes without saying that this event could not have been possible without the support of businesses and business owners who care about our great community and what we as a chamber do to help support them,” Daniels said. “The volunteers were the backbone of this event. They pulled out all the stops, and made the day run smooth and effortless.”

Proceeds from the tournament benefit the Chamber of Commerce member services.

