There is only one positive logical choice for the 26th District State Senate and that is Jan Angel.
I have never had a letter to this lady as a commissioner, legislator or senator that she has not answered, personally. She has the education, training and history of good political action deserving re-election.
The challenger, Judy Arbogast, on the other hand is past president of South Kitsap Education Association, who promotes illegal school strikes to threaten, intimidate, and coerce South Kitsap School District into increasing salaries and benefits at taxpayer expense for teachers. She will do everything for the education money pit and nothing for the citizens of this state other than extort more funds from them for education through increased property taxes.
From the list of problem causers in this state, Arbogast is endorsed by the Washington Education Association, Washington Conservative Voters, Sen.Patty Murray, and Congressman Derek Kilmer.
Of every name that is on the Aug . 5 ballot, Arbogast is the worst possible choice to elect to any elected position in this state.
On the other hand, will it be beauty or the beast that wins out in this race?
Larry L. Mann | Port Orchard