Kitsap County is conducting a transportation survey to determine which congestion points need to be addressed and how they would be financed.
“Providing honest answers on this survey will be helpful in the development of future discussions,” said Kitsap County Special Projects Manager Eric Baker. “It will be an excellent opportunity for citizens to voice their opinions on some very important traffic issues.”
Baker called the survey “part of the ongoing county outreach.”
The survey is open to any residents of Kitsap County from its Web site,, by clicking on the “Transportation Congestion & Funding Survey” link in the County Spotlight section located in the center of the home page.
This survey is intended to gauge residents’ opinions of existing congestion on these roadways, the need and timing for improvements, the willingness to pay additional taxes or fees to fund these improvements, the tax or fee is most equitable to attach such increase and other transportation concerns.
The voluntary online component, in which Baker hopes 600 people will participate, will be augmented by a more proactive phone survey of residents in the Bethel Corridor.
The combined survey is costing between $35,000 and $37,000 (taken from road funds previously allocated for this purpose) and is being administered by the Opinion Research Corp. in Seattle.
The interactive survey lists six congestion trouble spots; Bethel Road (between the round-about and Fred Meyer), Bucklin Hill Road, Ridgetop Boulevard, Silverdale Way, State Route 305 through Poulsbo and State Route 104 through Kingston.
After selecting the route traveled most, participants are asked to rate the congestion along with their opinions of how to finance the needed improvements.
This includes license fees, tolls, property taxes and a levy. There is a graded choice, with a window to become more specific when voicing a strong opinion.
The online survey will stay live until Aug. 11, after which time the results will be analyzed.
For more information, contact Baker or Angie Silva at (360) 337-7146, or e-mail at