New martial art studio in Poulsbo

A martial art new to the region is being introduced.

POULSBO — A martial art new to the region is being introduced.

Koryo Gumdo is a sword art from Korea, which can be comparable to Japanese Kendo while still being very unique. Leather Laudet, an 18-year-old instructor who has studied Koryo Gumdo under Grand Master Nicholls of Port Angeles for years, is bringing the lessons he has learned to Poulsbo.

The class takes place at Cross Martial Arts and is offered twice a week.

Koryo Gumdo is youth-friendly, enjoyable at all ages, and way to get in shape. The class is offered at Cross Martial Arts at 22275 Ste. A Stottlemeyer Road, is run and owned by Master Todd Norcross. Both Master Norcross and Instructor Laudet are eager to accept new students into the class.

