Bike lanes on bridge are a waste of money

Regarding bike lanes on Hood Canal Bridge: $1 million to $1.5 million to fill in a few segments of the bridge for a minuscule number of bicyclists each year that use this structure?

Regarding bike lanes on Hood Canal Bridge: $1 million to $1.5 million to fill in a few segments of the bridge for a minuscule number of bicyclists each year that use this structure?

I drive back and forth across the bridge an average three days per week and rarely, if ever, observe pedestrians (the project signs tout a five-foot “path”) let alone bicyclists.

Safer? Give me a break!  Even on the four short sections of the bridge that are grated, to save $1 million to $1.5 million I think these poor souls could have continued to get off their expensive bicycles and stretch their legs a little.

This project is just another example of politicians, government officials and employees (those in management positions with authority to make this type of stupid decision) wasting taxpayer-generated dollars in a time with huge budget deficits and depressed economy. It does nothing to generate long-term economic growth. I can’t believe that these people manage their own household finances as carelessly as they do the dollars received from hard- working taxpaying businesses and individuals.

It is time for people to “tighten their belts” and stop asking for federal and state handouts. And it is time for those in government to stop wasting the tax revenues that they get.

Paul Tweiten

