Letters to the Editor

The Point Casino seems to be a microcosm of couty’s problems

I agree with the letter from Konan Kile, published on Oct. 24.

I am also a resident of the greater Hansville area. I am also getting sick and tired of the “Native Americans” (NA) and their casinos and tax free ventures.

When will someone realize all they do is take advantage? They pay no taxes and still rake in the money. Does anyone look at their sales receipt if they purchase fuel from the Gliding Eagle station? The price of gasoline is now higher than most stations, yet the NA don’t pay any taxes to the state. (Therefore the profit margin is even greater for the NA.)

They seem to be exempt from all taxes. Now, you tell me why that makes sense, in a state that complains there is not enough revenue to make things work. Think about it; if the NAs paid their fair share, it would make sense. Why should we have our sales tax and property taxes raised? I am all for free enterprise; the Native Americans are not free enterprise minded. They are just “takers.”

When are the people who have to live with them and their “enterprise” going to wake up?

The new casino has plans for a “non smoking room.” When the rest of the country is banning smoking even in vehicles (California’s recent legislation with children in the vehicle) the NA in Kingston are promising a non smoking “room.” Fair is fair but the NA don’t seem to follow any rules like the rest of us!

Do you think the casino could be built in this area if it was someone other than the “tribe” building it? We are a semi-rural area around the casino. There is absolutely no way an enterprise such as this new casino would be tolerated under present zoning regulations. (I don’t see how the first casino slipped through the zoning cracks.) How far along are they in the land use approval process? Why is the public just now hearing about this?

The tribe is said to be working with Kitsap County on potential road improvements on Hansville Road. Who is paying for this? The tribe doesn’t want to waste any time and has a targeted completion date sometime in late 2008. This darn state can’t even complete the highway corridor through Poulsbo on time or on budget, yet the NAs can push through whatever they want and whenever they want?

It is time for someone, somewhere, to speak out against the Native Americans and their development on “their” lands; lands that happen to be right in the middle of our neighborhoods! Do they really have the right to do whatever they want on their lands, regardless of the impact on our property? There is supposed to be a public meeting in mid-December (when everyone has other things on their minds) so the public can “comment” on the project.

Watch out. That is really all the NA expect, a comment. They don’t think anything we say or do can make a difference. Let’s show them they are wrong!

Susan Null


Identity Clarification

Dog attack letter wasn’t from victim

We wish to clarify that the author of the pit bull letter published Nov. 10, 2007, is NOT the victim of the mauling. Unfortunately the writer has the same name as the victim, but the victim is a resident of Poulsbo, not Kingston.

The “facts” are far different from those listed in the letter.

Paulette and Mike Alvarado


Speed Tables

Safety measures are causing problems

Just a short comment on those delightful speed tables in what is quickly becoming a private park through the Cliffside community.

It’s bad enough that I get to bounce up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down (anyone nauseous yet?) as I push my car along that stretch of Hood Canal Drive, as driving it has become almost illegal, but to have to maneuver AROUND pedestrians walking IN the street the other day was absolutely the last straw.

I had to come to a complete stop, as there was a car crawling toward me from the other direction, and giving the pedestrians enough room to frolic in the street would have caused a collision with that oncoming car.

When it isn’t pedestrians in the street, it’s their dogs, unleashed (that’s as illegal as honking your horn unnecessarily, isn’t it? Hmmm…) that I have to negotiate around as well. The chipmunks and crows have more courtesy and common sense than the residents of Cliffside.

They get out of the street and wait patiently on the adequately marked shoulders on either side while they allow traffic to pass. There’s a concept!

Sue Barrett


Thank You

Arcement support was appreciated

I would sincerely like to thank each person who not only supported, voted, but also got out there and pounded signs into the ground for my campaign for North Kitsap School District Director No. 2. I could not have gotten as far as I did without your help and commitment.

I will continue to be a voice in our community. I, also, invite teachers, students, parents and community members to join me in being actively involved in the decisions our school district makes.

Thank you,

Reneé Arcement


Assistance to family truly helped us all

A heartfelt thanks to all of Poulsbo and all of the merchants and people who donated to our Wheelchair Van & Auction fundraiser. Your support and love that you have showed us through the last two years has been overwhelming.

With your generous donations we successfully purchased the van with the help of Liberty Bay Auto Center this last week.

Thank you Liberty Bay Auto Center for your help in finding the right van to fit our needs. The community’s love, support and prayers during our time of healing has truly touched our hearts.


Juan, Cheryl and Adam

Casa Luna


Berry-Maraist help was exceptional

I would like to publicly thank all of the members of our community who supported my campaign. Many people helped in a very wide variety of ways and I could not have done it without their assistance.

I also want to thank Mike Regis for the years of service and caring that he has given to our community.

I appreciate the opportunity to serve Poulsbo as a council member and look forward to working with the community, council, mayor and staff for the next four years.

Linda Berry-Maraist

