POULSBO — Siblings struggle to cope with their brother’s shooting death. A shopping spree makes Christmas brighter for 100 local families. Student transfers are hurting the North Kitsap School District. Residents are answering the call for help, boosting the Poulsbo Lions Bellringer Fund closer to its goal.
Those are the top stories in the Dec. 23 North Kitsap Herald, available now at newsstands and in stores.
This edition of the Herald — 40 pages, two sections, and USA Weekend magazine — has several special holiday features, including a list of local worship services.
Inside, you’ll find local news, Opinion, Letters, Sports, North Kitsap Calendar, Newsmakers, Obituaries, news briefs, legal notices, Favorite Photos of 2011, Kitsap Week Life and Culture, Kitsap Calendar, Around Kitsap, Sudoku, a four-page Peninsula Community Health Services section, Sweet and Savory Holiday Bites, Kitsap Week Crossword, Sound Classifieds and Real Estate Now.
The Herald has been the Voice of North Kitsap since 1901. For convenient home delivery, call (360) 779-4464 or email cdano@northkitsapherald.com.