SILVERDALE – Silverdale Elementary hosted a groundbreaking ceremony June 17 to officially mark the beginning of work to renovate the school.
Central Kitsap Superintendent David McVicker began the ceremony by introducing the some of the key figures who helped make the renovation possible.
Silverdale Elementary Principal Ninette Rivera was one of those figures.
“Five years ago when I came to Silverdale Elementary I was struck by a couple of things,” Rivera said.
“Just looking at the building I thought to myself, ‘this place is a little tired and it was in need of a little bit of love,’” she said.
This $11.1 million project will take place over the next 15 months.
“Our school board and staff members join me in thanking our community for its support of the 2011 capital projects levy that made this renovation possible,” McVicker said.
The levy provides funding for rebuilding and renovating school buildings and for critical safety, computer and technology infrastructure repairs and replacements.
“These updates will improve conditions for students and staff at Silverdale Elementary. Above all we want our students to have an appropriate place to learn and our teachers to have an appropriate places to teach,” McVicker said.
During the 15 months of renovation, Silverdale Elementary students will be temporarily moved to Ridgetop Junior High, Silver Ridge Elementary and Cottonwood Elementary.
Grades 1-3 and 5-6 will be at the Junior High. Kindergarten and 4th grade will be at Silver Ridge. District level placement students will be at Cottonwood.
During the formal part of the ceremony, six people wore hard hats and did the “turning over of the dirt” to officially kick-off the project. Central Kitsap School District Board member Mark Gaines, Kitsap County Commissioner Ed Wolfe, Director of Capital Projects Robin Schumaker, Principal Rivera, Superintendent McVicker, and ASB president Rhylan Ferguson dug into the dirt with their shovels.
“I can’t wait to see you all back here 15 months from now as we open the doors to the new Silverdale Elementary with a ribbon cutting ceremony,” McVicker said.