Supports McKenna for Washington governor

I would like to respond to an editorial in the May 11 North Kitsap Herald (“Governor candidate McKenna owes apology for outburst,” page A4).

I would like to respond to an editorial in the May 11 North Kitsap Herald (“Governor candidate McKenna owes apology for outburst,” page A4).

In my opinion, the editorial writer is all wet! I am retired, on a fixed income and an independent voter. I believe in freedom of choice and that means freedom to choose abortion or to carry to full term. It does not mean you have the right to try and jam your beliefs down my throat.

I have raised, educated and married off four kids of my own. I do not relish paying to raise others’ children, pay their medical bills nor support them in any way. Before you jump to any conclusions about the “silver spoon,” I come from a split home, have a GED equivalent and some junior college.

I have been working and paying into the system since 1957. I am sure there are thousands more like me with the same opinions and/or feelings as mine.

I have tried to contact Sen. Maria Cantwell, Sen. Patty Murray and Rep. Jay Inslee by email and guess what? You can’t. You can select a canned question or statement to voice an opinion on, but no freedom to ask other questions you may find important or want an answer to. Oh, I’m sorry, they are all Democrats, so I guess they don’t have to answer to the same criteria as a Republican!

I say, “Hats off to you, Rob McKenna.” I now know whom I will vote for in November. Next is term limits for the Senate and Congress!

Steve Brown

