No more speed tables planned in Hansville

I would like to comment on a letter by Catherine Myrick expressing her fears about more speed bumps in Hansville

I would like to comment on a letter by Catherine Myrick expressing her fears about more speed bumps in Hansville (“Don’t let them sneak in those speed bumps,” page A4, Nov. 11 North Kitsap Herald).  I have owned property and lived in Driftwood Key since 1995, and although the installation of the existing speed tables was well-publicized and publicly discussed over a two-year period, I neglected to voice my opposition to them. Therefore, like everyone else, I’m bumping my way over them each time I leave Hansville.

Let me reassure Ms. Myrick that this is not the solution Driftwood Key is seeking. As a member of the Public Safety Committee, our Board of Trustees approved a resolution seeking GHAAC support requesting the county investigate a safety concern for walkers, joggers and bikers using Hood Canal Drive in Driftwood Key. In addition, we have asked the county to address the dangerous intersection of South Vista Key and Hood Canal Drive.

There was never any consideration to ask the county to install speed bumps or tables here. In fact, most residents here would unanimously oppose them!

Gene Borgomainerio


