
Illahee Community Plan

Illahee Community Plan

Developers vs. community

Apparently it has become You vs. Us.

Your arguments are flimsy; your intimidation does you no good. You see, our community is strong, our voices united, our goal: the “good of the all.” A community that knows green is good and the other green is called “greed.” One of you has clear-cut as far as the eye can see next to the Hood Canal in Seabeck. One of you has designed a four- or five-story something or other in the floodplain and critical area buffer on Illahee’s shoreline. One of you shows no respect or understanding of how citizens’ feel, but try to bully them into thinking that just because you own property, you can harm your neighbor’s investment in their land which they treasure. One of you laughs about a voluntary Heritage Tree Protection. One of you claims only 19 people attended a meeting, but I personally know that 100 folks in Illahee signed their name and walked their talk about the Illahee Plan. One of you will help suck the aquifer recharge drying up Illahee Creek. That is not what counts in Illahee, a community in which you do not live. The bottom line is that as much as you knock us down with your naysaying about issues in our community plan, or that this community does not understand the law, or that we don’t have the brain power to think things through. Your attacks are not well-grounded.

Illahee residents are here to stay and you will know that we, too, have a voice, a very loud voice and we hope you can hear that too!

