Port commissioners to meet Tuesday

Bremerton Port commissioners to hear marina marketing update

Port commissioners are expected to hear an update from Robert Wise about marketing efforts for the Bremerton Marina when they meet Tuesday.

Commissioners will meet at 6 p.m. for a work session, to be followed by the regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. Both meetings are at the Port Administration Offices, 8850 Highway 3, Bremerton.

Wise was hired last month as a consultant for the port and is working to help the port fill the Bremerton Marina through marketing efforts.

During the regular meeting, commissioners will review the Bremerton Marina 2013 fee schedule and address a proposal from staff to eliminate premiums and discounts, and to set fees based on boat length, not slip length.

A 36-foot boat would be $288.25 a month, or $8.01 a foot.

Meetings are open to the public and their is a time for public comments.