Suquamish offers Strengthening Families Program

SUQUAMISH —WSU Kitsap Extension and North Kitsap School District are partnering to offer Strengthening Families in October and November.

SUQUAMISH —WSU Kitsap Extension and North Kitsap School District are partnering to offer Strengthening Families in October and November. Families with youth ages 10-14 are invited to attend the program at Suquamish Elementary, 18950 Park Ave, Suquamish.

Strengthening Families (10-14) is available for parents/caregivers and their youth, designed to help parents/caregivers and youth build on their strengths, improve communication and protect youth against substance abuse.

The 8-week program begins Oct. 4 and goes through Nov. 22, and is free.  Class is from 5:30-8 p.m. Dinner will be served and childcare for little ones age 2 and older will also be available.

Contact Cindy Purser Drover (360) 394-6194 for further information.

