Letters to the Editor …

Afro-American achievement awards a success / Support paternity fraud bill

Afro-American achievement awards a success

A few days ago the Kitsap Sports Hall of Fame paid well-deserved homage to another class of local greats. Prior to the festivities held at the packed Kiana Lodge, our sporting taste buds were teased by the local media with well-written reminders of the accomplishments of these area greats.

On Jan. 31 in the Bremerton Preforming Arts Center another Hall of Fame event conducted a gala awards ceremony that draws its inductees from the geographic bounds of the entire Evergreen State. Yet, for some unknown reason, the media fumbled the ball and this event was treated like the Invisible Man.

The list of honorees was truly awe-inspiring and not just to the Afro-American community. These were men and women that have made a significant impact on the lives of all Washingtonians/Americans. Yet, to many in our area, they remain invisible.

The red carpet was rolled out to the entire state, perhaps you missed this first-class event because you knew nothing of it. The entertainment was every bit as good as what one might witness downtown. The camaraderie was warm and the banquet was gourmet.

The welcome was articulately delivered by Bremerton’s own Super Bowl Captain, Tony Boddie, and the festivities were orchestrated by Deborah Moore Jackson, West High (Bremerton) graduate and community/youth advocate.

We would be sure that Mayor Patty Lent, front row center, will tell you how much she enjoyed the evening.

— Lane C. and Deanna L. Dowell, Bremerton.

Support paternity fraud bill

The 2015 Washington Legislature marks the second year that Senator Jan Angel (26th dist.) has introduced legislation (SB 5006) that would free victims of paternity fraud/ wrongfully established paternity.

SB 5006 and companion bill HB 1524 filed by Representative Michelle Caldier, will establish a legal avenue in which wrongly adjudicated or “duped” men may seek freedom from legal obligation of paternity to non-genetic children.

As paternity fraud is estimated to negatively impact 10-30 percent of men, with the higher estimates impacting our military men, I believe this legislation should be made more readily available to the public, who has a vested interest in supporting its passage. Anyone interested in helping support these bills can follow these links to the Washington Legislative website and leave a comment in support of this important legislation.

All “comments” will be directly sent to your local legislators and provide them with the appropriate input from their constituents to support the passage of this legislation in 2015. For SB 5006: http://goo.gl/ot97Yv for HB 1524: http://goo.gl/y6AyvG here is a link to the complete bill: http://goo.gl/1KMvc6 .

If anyone would like to become more involved in supporting this issue, please contact the primary advocate/inspiration of this bill, Naomi Evans at nlevans88@yahoo.com, or visit her page for updates at www.survivingpaternityfraud2ndwife.blogspot.com

— Naomi Evans