Sheriff’s Office Awards Ceremony set for Dec. 11

The men and women of the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office will be honored as Sheriff Steve Boyer hosts the second Sheriff's Office Awards Ceremony.

The men and women of the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office will be honored as Sheriff Steve Boyer hosts the second Sheriff’s Office Awards Ceremony.

The event includes oaths of office, service level awards, awards of the Medal of Valor, retirements and recognition of employees of the year.

The award ceremony will be held in the main auditorium of the Christian Life Center at 1780 SE Lincoln Ave. in Port Orchard on Thursday, Dec. 11 at 5 p.m.

This will be the final awards ceremony under the administration of Sheriff Boyer as he completes 16 years in office.

A change of office ceremony will conclude the event.

The award ceremony is open to family members, friends and the public.

For further information please contact Lt. Penny Sapp at (360) 337-4514.