Tea Party threats

Some of their goals may be good, but their method is wrong,

As a disabled veteran and fiscally conservative Republican, I just would like to state for the record:

That the Tea Party threatening not to pay America’s Bills is not a conservative, but a radical action. No party has the right to a-line-item-veto of constitutional protected laws or to damage are credit rating, just because they have a temporary majority in the House.

If any of their extortion demands are met, it will mean anarchy, and the death of democracy in America. If a few dozen billionaire backed radicalpawns can effectively usurp our democratically elected government, then USA is no longer a democracy, and is in fact a Oligarchy, governed by the rich for the rich.

Some of their goals may be good, but their method is wrong, and they must not be allowed to dictate policy as a minority.”

Jon Volden
