Funding available for tournaments and events held at public fields

The Kitsap Public Facilities District will be reviewing applications this month for their EventFund program in 2015, providing marketing and promotion dollars to organizations planning events or tournaments at any of the three facilities that funding from the KPFD has helped to build or to be improved:

The Kitsap Public Facilities District will be reviewing applications this month for their EventFund program in 2015, providing marketing and promotion dollars to organizations planning events or tournaments at any of the three facilities that funding from the KPFD has helped to build or to be improved:

The Kitsap Conference Center at Bremerton Harborside; The Kitsap Fairgrounds and Event Center, including the new lighted artificial turf field at Gordon Field; and the North Kitsap Regional Event Center, primarily the lighted artificial turf fields at the North Kitsap Stadium and Strawberry Field.

Applications are now being accepted up until Jan. 15, for funding awards to be made at the KPFD Board of Directors meeting on Jan. 26. A representative of the requesting organization must make a presentation to the Board to receive an award. There is a second round of application and award in June, the deadline for submission of applications for

Round II is June 15 and the instructions can be found on the KPFD website –

The funding may be provided over as many as three years, to assist the organizations to achieve self-sufficiency in that time or less. Funding has been provided in the past to organizations like Little League, wrestling organizations, Roller Hockey, the Kitsap Pumas and more recently, to the North Kitsap Babe Ruth club to host the 2012 Babe Ruth 13-year-old World Series, held in August 2012 and which brought upwards of $750K into the local economy during the one-week tournament where teams from across the USA competed.

The Kitsap Public Facilities District (KPFD) is an independent municipal corporation managing WA state sales tax rebate funds allocated to Kitsap County. It acts as a catalyst for creating livable and active communities in Kitsap County through construction or renovation of recreation and sports facilities and is guided by four goals: 1) economic development; 2) efficient use of public and private monies; 3) innovation and 4) multiple uses of facilities.

For further information, contact Mike Walton at the KPFD – 360.698.1885