Giving support to Streissguth

A reader gives his opinion about the county commission race

Ed Wolfe tells us he served under Ronald Reagan who we remember fired the air traffic controllers precipitating a decline in living wage jobs. When Wolfe says he going to bring the balance back does he mean he is going to lead a community wide effort to create something as grand as the Silverdale YMCA? That was led by commissioners who are members of the Democratic Party.

Linda Streissguth is far from the polarizing figure that Wolfe is when he claims to embody diversity. Our current commissioner, Linda, wants to streamline development planning and develop a multi-year plan for the Central Kitsap Community Campus in Silverdale.

Let’s keep our Kitsap democratic tradition — protect and expand “living wage” job opportunities, create wholesome community centers and work with business for the general good. Elect Linda Streissguth!

John Freeburg
