Apology owed to Kitsap’s Jewish community

After reading the bigoted disinformative diatribe by Mike Eggert (CK Reporter, May 24), I´ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that no one else wrote and you just had to fill that space. Having, as a non-Jew, spent a lifetime witnessing the tragic history of the Jewish people unfold, Eggert wrote mainly of the reaction of the Israeli to the stubborn hostility to their settlement following their near extermination in Europe. He omitted the forced migration from Muslim lands of millions of Jews plus the effects of the generations of de-humanizing hate built up by these Muslims.

After reading the bigoted disinformative diatribe by Mike Eggert (CK Reporter, May 24), I´ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that no one else wrote and you just had to fill that space. Having, as a non-Jew, spent a lifetime witnessing the tragic history of the Jewish people unfold, Eggert wrote mainly of the reaction of the Israeli to the stubborn hostility to their settlement following their near extermination in Europe. He omitted the forced migration from Muslim lands of millions of Jews plus the effects of the generations of de-humanizing hate built up by these Muslims.

Those Muslim leaders could have taken a stance different from Hitler’s.

I am thankful I live in a country where we tolerate those of differing faiths. I would like to keep it that way for my grandchildren. To Mr. Eggert, you owe Val Torrens and the Jewish community here an apology.

