Silverdale Shootout 3-on-3 b-ball tourney now accepting registration

The second annual Silverdale Shootout 3-on-3 basketball tourney is now accepting registrations. The event is Aug. 30-31 and registration is accepted up to the day of the event.

The second annual Silverdale Shootout 3-on-3 basketball tourney is now accepting registrations. The event is Aug. 30-31 and registration is accepted up to the day of the event.

Players of all ages and skill levels can compete in the recreational or competitive divisions. School-aged teams will be grouped by grade, while post-high school hoopsters will group by age ranges (18-24, 25-29, 30-39, 40-49 and 50 plus). The event also is still looking for sponsors. A variety of sponsorship packages are available to businesses, from a presenting sponsorship to an individual court sponsor. Some event proceeds benefit United Way, CK Food Bank and the Navy Wives Club. For more information, call (360) 698-1000, e-mail or visit the shootout’s Web site at
