The end of November is a time to slow down and appreciate the happenings of the past year. It’s a time of reflection and giving; a reminder of what one has rather than what one doesn’t have. Thanksgiving is a time to embrace the moments of bountiful laughter and happiness. It is the holiday where most families can put hard feelings aside and focus on gathering for a delicious meal surrounded by good intentions. Whether traveling near or far, families gather at the same time every year to show gratitude for one another.
It is also an opportunity to see things through another’s eyes. Fifth graders from Emerald Heights sat down with education reporter Seraine Page to tell about what they are most thankful for this year. Their answers are heartwarming.
1. “When my family makes dinner, and I’m thankful when I get it.” Piper Smith, age 10
2. “To have a family because they love me.” Alex Oathout, age 10
3. “Probably just my whole family because they’ve been with me a lot. I’m just really thankful.” Jake Bancroft, age 10
4. “I’d have to say I’m most thankful for a house, food and a good family.” Tyler Stewart, age 9
5. “I’m most thankful that I’m gonna have family come from different states for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The best part of Thanksgiving is when grandma makes so much food. It all tastes so good. My grandma makes really good homemade stuffing.” Cheyanne Amar, age 10
6. “I’m really thankful for all the new technology. It makes it easier to look stuff up. I’m really thankful for having a kind and generous family. Having good friends help me stay focused to do my best on activities.” ZoeLynn McCord, age 11
7. “That my family could put food on the table.” Ty Zeman, age 11
8. “My grandparents because they are really, really generous to our family.” Emily Schutte, age 11
For the kids photographs, please see our Green Edition.