Supports Olsen for 23rd District state rep

Regarding the North Kitsap Herald’s primary election endorsement editorial of July 27:

Regarding the North Kitsap Herald’s primary election endorsement editorial of July 27:

With the predictability of the arrival of the Dog Days of Summer comes the North Kitsap Herald’s “In our Opinion — NKH Endorses . . .”

Newspaper endorsements in general, and North Kitsap Herald endorsements specifically, are particularly irritating to me and probably to most voters who think about this folly. The false implication is that the Herald publisher and editor have been able to divine some great insight into the candidates’ character or agenda and the voters must be privy to this revelation.

Based on my close reading of recent articles, forum debates, and candidate responses to questionnaires, I firmly believe Publisher Etchey and Editor Walker have not been doing their homework on the candidates they endorse.

The Herald editorial states Candidate Larsen wants higher taxes (income, car, business), as does Hansen, based on forum answers. Both Larsen and Hansen vigorously support abortion and gay marriage.

The Herald tells us Candidate Larsen is a casino employee but omits mention that Candidate Hansen is a climate trial lawyer. Reading the Kitsap County Voters Pamphlet (mailed to all district voters), one learns Mr. Larsen submitted no information about his elected experience, professional experience, education or his community service. Notwithstanding Mr. Larsen’s rather flip attitude to running for office, he garnered the NKH endorsement.

To be perfectly frank, Herald endorsements are predictable in their support of Democrat candidates. Here’s the reality: Ms. Etchey and Mr. Walker each have one vote. You, the voter, have one vote. Get smart and vote smart after doing your own analysis of this race and all races. And by the way, there is another candidate, Capt. James Olsen, that the NKH dare not mention.

Clara Hanson
Bainbridge Island

