Dogs don’t belong in public places

Dogs don't belong in public places

I was in a bank in Poulsbo the other day doing a little business when one of my pet peeves reared its head. (No pun intended.) I was waiting for the teller to get done with the person in front of me when I heard a comment about the new nail polish, isn’t it cute? Thinking they were talking about a person, imagine my surprise and irritation when the person moved slightly and there, on the counter, was a chihuahua dog. I thought, “Well, that’s totally inappropriate,” but I decided to get over it.

Then on my way out of the bank, I stopped to visit with one of the employees and what should my wandering eyes behold but yet another person with her unleashed poodle dog, walking to the counter, telling her dog to go sit on one of the chairs that are for people. The dog was well-behaved and stayed on the chair, but this brought up a pretty constant irritation for me these days.

Who died and put these people in charge? When did it become acceptable for people to decide that it’s OK to have pets accompany them inside public places? I know many people will say, “That’s my service dog. I have to have him/her along with me.” Well, I say prove it. Show me a written, signed instruction from the doctor stating that necessity. I’m not talking about the genuine cases of service dogs or of the Guide Dogs in Training. I’m talking about the people who, for whatever reason, have decided that they absolutely have to have their dog go into stores, restaurants, banks, etc. If it’s too hot to leave them in the car, then leave them at home. If they tear up your house when you leave them home, then crate them but don’t subject me and the other people to your darling pets.

Consider that maybe some people are allergic to pet hair or terrified of dogs. These pets are not your children. Before any of you think I hate dogs, I do not. I’ve had quite a few spoiled dogs and cats of my own through the years but never, never in a million years would I consider it was OK to subject anyone else to my pet except in my own home.

Ricki Calhoun

