Isn’t it funny how none of the schools in this county, or state, have a required Psychological Behavior Adjusting Room (“rubber rooms” as Central Kitsap School District employees call them) at each of their schools as required by state law?
Isn’t it funny how none of the schools in this county, or state, do not have their required armed person(s), except Bremerton that has an armed police officer in their district (on paper at least) to cover violent acts in all their schools as required by state law?
Isn’t it funny how voters keep passing levies for school districts and the school districts spend that money for anything they want except what the voters gave them the money for?
Isn’t it funny how the schools in this state have had 12 years to comply with “No Child Left Behind” federal law? Now they are whining (South Kitsap School District is the loudest here) because the federal money has been cut off, their schools still do not meet federal standards, their students are average, half educated, less than 40 percent having the needed education to enter college “grade proficient” as they like to call this level of intelligence.
Do you see the pattern here? Schools are unaccountable and above complying with any laws.
Larry L. Mann | Port Orchard