Volunteer: It’s fun and rewarding too | Hansville Happenings

Did you know that the Hansville Community Center at Buck Lake is owned by the community (not by the parks department or the county), and is run and maintained totally by volunteers (both financially and physically)?

Did you know that the Hansville Community Center at Buck Lake is owned by the community (not by the parks department or the county), and is run and maintained totally by volunteers (both financially and physically)?

All of the activities are presented by volunteers: the annual Rummage Sale, Coaster Games, Bingo game nights, Picnic in the Park, the Red, White and Blue Breakfast, neighbor lunches and the rest of the activities we in the greater Hansville area have come to enjoy.

OK, you say. Good, you say. Glad they are there, you say. Well. how about joining them?

At a recent meeting, it was discussed that there is a need for people to pick up items for the Rummage Sale. The problem that has come up is the chair and Rummage Sale Committee need some strong backs and more trucks for this activity. Could you help with this? And while I’m talking about more help with the Rummage Sale, could you help with the parking lot duties? Or how about being a cashier on the day of the sale?

There is a volunteer job for everyone, no matter your physical strengths.  You could check people in at an activity, or sell tickets at the door, or help serve at a luncheon. Or, would you like to be in the kitchen fixing the goodies?

If you are new to this area, this would be a perfect way to get to know your neighbors. If you are not new, but haven’t been getting involved much in the community, here is a chance.

Debra Bean is the contact; call her at 638-0142. Tell her which activity you are interested in and she’ll fill you in on when and where to present yourself.

And while I’m telling you about all these happy ways to get involved, have you attended a board meeting lately? You could come and meet some of the people that are so dedicated to maintaining our Hansville Community Center spirit, and see more clearly how easy it would be to join the fun. Can I hear you saying, “Fun? It sounds like work to me.” Yes, it’s work, but who says work can’t be fun and rewarding too?

So, come and join in. Make a new friend. Be part of this wonderful community we choose to live in.

Volunteer today. You can call Debra or email me at welltoldtales@aol.com. We’ll match you up.

