Regarding the editorial cartoon in the March 7 North Kitsap Herald:
Bill Day’s talent is excellent, However, the conflictingly images of Obama, seemingly tough in one scenario and very weak in the other, tend to distract from bigger, serial deceptions by Obama. The image of the conservative elephant implies that only the GOP think of Obama in this way.
The real Obama is now being seen and assessed negatively by a much wider range in all groups and demographic. It’s not only Americans and want-to-be Americans, but also the rest of the world.
The magician that promised to perform tricks is only good until the acts fail, regardless of the props and charm. The world now knows the rabbit isn’t there; the audience saw the pretty girl get out of the box and the cards were obviously marked.
Having a never-ending smile and indulging the gullible, personal fan club as you obsessively dig an unsustainable debt hole, whilst performing like an adolescent magician, is not leadership and certainly not presidential.
Cleaning up the mess the magician will leave on stage is what we all should be conscious of, before Lady Liberty bleeds to death under his blunt saw.
Alan Jackson