It’s time for reform in government

As voters you have an opportunity to elect in the 23 legislative district a seasoned and passionate candidate by the name of James Olsen.

As voters you have an opportunity to elect in the 23 legislative district a seasoned and passionate candidate by the name of James Olsen.

James is a long time resident of Kitsap County. He’s a family man, veteran, businessman and an active and dedicated individual within the community. His background is varied and has significant leadership qualities. He held six commanding officer positions throughout 30 years in the Coast Guard and retired as a full captain.

He has gone on as a businessman providing low income housing and helping those in need. He believes in protecting the rights of citizens and property no matter what their station in life.

He has been very active in Poulsbo and Bainbridge island politics. Fighting against excessive abuses of power by the government and school district. He supported residents that felt shoreline taxing proposed on Bainbridge was too broad in scope. His activism forced local ports to readdress their taxing plan, limiting it to those that benefited directly.

He understands funding education but would hope for a better definition and accountability.

Without two conscience-minded Democrats joining forces with Republicans, state spending would be out of control. Legislative majority Democrats supporting Governor Inslee’s climate change agenda would increase state gas taxes an additional $1.25 a gallon.

Is raising taxes the solution to out of control state spending?  The real solution is voting in new fiscally conservative candidates to change the spending culture.

James Olsen is pragmatic, energetic and supports real reform.  We need him in the legislature.

Vote for James Olsen.

Dean H. Jenniges

