‘Ride the Tide’ is set for Aug. 23

The 2014 “Ride the Tide” Paddle Kitsap is scheduled for Aug. 23 and will start at 9 a.m. at the waterfront in Port Orchard.

The 2014 “Ride the Tide” Paddle Kitsap is scheduled for Aug. 23 and will start at 9 a.m. at the waterfront in Port Orchard.

After launching from Port Orchard, paddlers will head north through the Narrows to Dyes Inlet and arrive at the Silverdale Waterfront Park at noon.

Paddlers can enjoy the Kitsap Peninsula Water Trails, now officially part of the National Water Trails System, which is the first national water trails in the state.

Paddlers may use their own gear or rent. Shuttle available. For sign-up or rental information, go online to PaddleKitsap.com.

The event is sponsored by Kitsap County, Port of Silverdale, Olympic Outdoor Center, Washington Water Trails and Visit Kitsap Peninsula.

