Fathoms o’ Fun introducing junior royalty program

For the first time in Fathoms o’ Fun history, a junior royalty program will be introduced next year, according to Royalty Director Helene Jensen.

For the first time in Fathoms o’ Fun history, a junior royalty program will be introduced next year, according to Royalty Director Helene Jensen.

“The reason for bringing on a junior court was to mentor individuals and prepare them for being a part of the senior court,” Jensen said.

Each junior contestant is required to reside in South Kitsap, be in junior high school and have at least a 2.5 grade-point average.

Anyone who is interested in joining the royal court should go to their school counselors and ask for an application or email Jensen at hejensen1961@gmail.com.

“In this competition they will be only be required to write a 500-word essay on ‘What brings out the Superhero in You,’ ” Jensen said.

She said the contestants will be required to read the essay before a panel of judges. Three winners will be announced at the March 7 competition.

The written portion will be judged by Debbie Macomber and they too will be eligible for a $250 award. They will be competing against the senior court for that award.

Jensen said the junior court contestant will not be required to perform a talent, or model an evening gown.

“With this title they will get travel to all of the parades, do community service, et cetera,” she said. “Just like the senior court.”

The Fathoms o’ Fun Festival Scholarship Program is looking for contestants for its royal court and the deadline to sign up is Jan. 15.

The program is open to all boys and girls who live in South Kitsap and are at least a sophomore in a high school and not older than 21.

The program is scheduled for March 7 at the Christian Life Center. The theme will be the “Superhero in You.”

As part of the royal court, which consists of a king or queen, two princesses and an ambassador, individuals can earn college scholarship money while doing community service, travel around the state and develop lifelong friendships. Approximately $5,000 in scholarships are awarded each year.

“Being a part of this scholarship program offers more than young people can imagine,” Jensen said. “It will help them with job interview skills, public speaking, networking and so much more.”

Jensen said each contestant will write a 500-word essay on “What brings out the Super Hero in You” — basically the contestant’s platform for the program. Contestants will have a 15-minute private interview, deliver their platform orally on stage and in front of several local service groups. They also will have to answer impromptu questions, perform a talent and model formal wear.

The Sidney Speakers, a local Toastmaster group, will be helping contestants perfect their speeches, Jensen said.

The Fathoms o’ Fun Festival, Inc., is a community service organization. It is operated entirely by community volunteers. Since 1968, in its current form, it presents, participates in, or co-sponsors community events year round. Fathoms Royalty has helped to carry on the tradition of community pride and service.

To get an application go to the website www.fathomsofun.org or email hejensen1962@gmail.com.

