Re-educating our NK vandals

Education is key in improving our society. It’s what turns the knob and opens the door to bettering the community in which we live.

Education is key in improving our society. It’s what turns the knob and opens the door to bettering the community in which we live. With this in mind, we called on our old friend Webster to help us understand the folks who feel that tearing down trees in Kingston serves a purpose.

Vandal: One who maliciously destroys property…

Malice: Active ill will, evil intent…

Evil: Morally bad or wrong; wicked…

We hope those who find pleasure in vandalizing our region will consider the meanings of the words above. Look in the mirror. Do you consider yourself a vandal? Do you consider yourself evil?


These might seem like strong words, harsh even, but if you’re among those who have been tearing up the fair town of Kingston, we assure you, the shoe fits.

Don’t think so?

Randomly ask anyone who walks or drives past these trees. Anyone who enjoys the beauty they have provided. Anyone who planted the trees or has marveled as they’ve grown.

They’re not happy.

And neither are we.

We think it’s a travesty that you even claim residence here. That we are forced to call you our neighbors. Vandals serve no purpose in community. All you bring us is shame.

You do the same to yourself. You see, like it or not, you’re part of North Kitsap. You’re stuck with us and we’re stuck with you for awhile at least.

Why not make the best of it?

Instead of pulling the community apart we should all be pulling together to make sure the region is the best it can possibly be.
