City files suit to tear down burnt house

Following a brief executive session last week, the Bremerton City Council voted unanimously to take legal action to clean up a derelict residential property.

Following a brief executive session last week, the Bremerton City Council voted unanimously to take legal action to clean up a derelict residential property.

The city attorney was authorized to seek what is called a warrant of abatement to allow the city to tear down the home and place a lean on the property for the value of the work.

The burnt-out structure, which has sat idle for a year, is located at 806 Cherry Court.

“There was a fire there a year ago and it’s been sitting there the way it was left since then,” said Janet Lunceford, a code enforcement officer with the city. “Wells Fargo is the bank that should be foreclosing on it.”

Lunceford said James Freeman owned the property at the time of the August 2012 fire, but he has not responded to attempts by the city to reach him.

“For a while, Wells Fargo was talking to me about demolition, but they are not responding any more, either,” Lunceford added.

