“There are times at all newspapers, including the Herald, when we seem to report more bad or sad news than anything else. Then there are the good times, when the news is filled with people who are performing deeds of great kindness, and selfless acts to help build their community–with no special gain to themselves. We’re in one of those treasured good times, which you’ll see reflected in recent papers. Among the highlights we’ve most appreciated lately are the seemingly endless amounts of giving that folks in North Kitsap seem capable of. Not only have members of our community donated generously to the Friends of the Library, and Lions Park playground rehabilitation, they have also backed the Habitat for Humanity Fun Run. Just this weekend, a handful of determined volunteers worked hard to attract more than a hundred volunteers to hold a 24-hour Relay for Life to benefit the American Cancer Society. The relay had not been held locally for the past several years, and a determined small core of supporters got it started once again. Their efforts succeeded in gathering more than $15,000 to help support the American Cancer Society. Tunes on Tuesdays is a hit in Kingston–crowds get bigger and more appreciative every week at the waterfront. Chief Seattle Days and the Arts by the Bay are both being celebrated this coming weekend and will attract large crowds. Volunteers have given all of this to our community–most of them nameless, few of them thanked publicly. If you are one of these many folks who donated your time and sweat and dollars to this community, we thank you for making this a special place to live and work. And later, when the news isn’t so good, and harder times are upon us, memories of this good time will be part of the bond that firmly unites us as a community. “
In times of good news
"There are times at all newspapers, including the Herald, when we seem to report more bad or sad news than anything else. Then there are the good times, when the news is filled with people who are performing deeds of great kindness, and selfless acts to help build their community--with no special gain to themselves. We're in one of those treasured good times, which you'll see reflected in recent papers. "