POULSBO — The first week of 2007 marked the end of yet another successful Bellringer campaign as donations exceeded $35,000.
By 3 p.m. Thursday, the final tally for the 2006 fund-raising effort hit $35,116.10, which will go a long way toward helping those in need in the North End.
The 2006 campaign was one of the best the fund has enjoyed in its long, illustrious history, and volunteers are already working on the 2007 campaign.
In the meantime, there is plenty available to help those in the North End who need a helping hand with paying an electricity bill, buying wood for their wood stove or paying for a motel room until emergency housing can be found.
The help number for the fund is (360) 697-6087.
Donations through Jan. 4:
• JR Strand, Alvin Schanck and numerous nephews and nieces $100 In loving memorial of our brother and uncle, Merle Strand, always in our hearts
• $75 From the patrons of the Poulsbohemian Coffeehouse
• Carolynn and Lowell Swearingen $50 In memory of Merle Strand and loved ones
• Emil and June $50
• Norma Macarthur $100
• Dale and Sue $100
Today’s total: $475
Final total: $35,116.10