Liberals aren’t stupid, their policies are

Let there be no mistake: there is no louder sound of anguish on earth than the scream of a liberal being pierced by the arrow of truth. The recent presidential election has proven that to be a truism. The screams from the left are still ringing in my failing ears.

Many years ago (approximately 25 years), Dr. Charles Krauthammer described the difference between liberal and conservative perceptions. He postulated that conservatives think liberals are stupid, and that liberals think conservatives are evil. I thought for a long time that his assessment was accurate. Then I realized that liberals aren’t stupid, their ideas are stupid. For decades, we have appeased the liberal mindset on so many issues and look where we are. Our country is not the world leader in anything but stupidity.

Liberals think anyone should be able to come here and receive government assistance as long as necessary just because they exist. Stupid. Liberals believe that making laws to accommodate 1 percent of the population while 99 percent are inconvenienced is smart. Stupid. Liberals believe that people should be given advantages just because of the color of their skin. Stupid. Liberals believe that marriage between people of the same gender is a sacrament. Stupid. Liberals believe that anyone who worked for what he has acquired should give up part of that to those who refuse to work at all. Stupid. My thoughts on these issues and many more make me evil.

The outgoing President has proven one thing in his eight years of trying to destroy America. He has proven that even with a complicit media, an agenda of ignoring and breakings laws, a foreign policy that has diminished the standing of the U.S. throughout the world, America is still strong. And no matter how terrible a President is, we will survive.

Henry Carnes

