Harrison RN named March of Dimes Nurse of the Year

Nelson Monastrial, a Harrison Medical Center registered nurse, was selected by the Western Washington Chapter of the March of Dimes Jan. 27 as Nurse of the Year for Patient and Clinical Care.

Nelson Monastrial, a Harrison Medical Center registered nurse, was selected by the Western Washington Chapter of the March of Dimes Jan. 27 as Nurse of the Year for Patient and Clinical Care.

The ninth annual Western Washington Nurse of the Year Awards included awards in 14 categories.

Monastrial works the night shift at the hospital and was nominated by other nurses on staff for his ability to manage the staff through “extremely busy” shifts on more than one occasion by reassigning patients, taking on cases and “inspiring” team work.

Other Harrison RNs nominated for awards include D’enne Boles, Lois Brogan, Pat Clemetson, Lynn Ferrell, Summer Fosdick, Cherie Pittard and Sylvia Thomas. This is the largest group submitted for consideration for the March of Dimes awards, according to a Harrison press release.
