Stretch your eyes for relief | Yoga and You

Anytime your eyes feel dry, gently close them and keep them closed.

By Michael Szymanski

Subject: Dry eyes.

Practice: Anytime your eyes feel dry, gently close them and keep them closed. Then move them as if you’re looking up and to the far left. Hold them in this position for 15 seconds. Then look down and to the far right. Hold for 15 seconds. Then, look down and to the far left. Hold. Finally, look up and to the far right. And hold.

Theory: The body produces a natural lubricant called hyaluronic acid when you stretch connective tissue.

Tears, another natural lubricant produced by this practice, also soothe and cleanse the eyes. And if done gently, the stretch feels good too.

Note: If you are dehydrated, your lubricating ability is hampered. Drink a glass or two of water.

— Michael Szymanski has taught yoga classes at Bainbridge, Hansville, Kingston and Poulsbo studios for 15 years. Contact him at

