Why are government workers getting a free ride?

I was saddened to read recently in your paper that Kitsap Transit will eliminate 11 driver positions and get rid of Sunday service.

I was saddened to read recently in your paper that Kitsap Transit will eliminate 11 driver positions and get rid of Sunday service.

I know a lot of seniors and folks in general who go to the Kitsap Mall and other destinations who depend on the bus.

An idea I had to generate enough revenue to keep the drivers and Sunday service is to start charging the shipyard workers $2 a day to ride the bus.

Also, charge those who take the van pool to Subbase Bangor and Keyport.

Even the shipyard workers who reside in Seattle commute on the ferries for free. With the average government worker making $22 an hour, you’d thnk they’d be able to pay their own way.

Kitsap Transit could help save the drivers’ jobs and preserve Sunday service if it would start charging government workers.

Richard Schaefer is a

Port Orchard resident.
