Spaghetti, swing and a night of fun

BHS jazz band to hold fund-raising event March 21.


Staff writer

The Bremerton High School Jazz Band will host its third annual Swing Dance and Spaghetti Dinner fundraising event from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. March 21 at the Masonic Lodge in downtown Bremerton.

Sara Weyrick, BHS jazz band director, said all proceeds will go toward upcoming jazz band trips, including the spring parade trip.

“We’re going to have a really nice dinner,” Weyrick said. “Everybody enjoys sitting together and dancing. There’s a really nice wood dance floor.”

The 15-member jazz band will perform throughout the evening, playing both old and contemporary music, Weyrick said.

Dinner will be served, music will play all night and the public is welcome.

The Masonic Lodge is located near the intersection of 5th Street and Warren Avenue. Weyrick said tickets will be available at the door, but recommends purchasing them ahead of time. Tickets purchased in advance will cost $10 per person.

For more information, contact Sara Weyrick at (360) 473-0969 or by e-mail at
