Volunteers and students from Woodlands Elementary and Fairview Junior High joined in a Clear Creek trail planting party Sunday, Oct. 21, in Silverdale.
Residents of Silverdale will decide next February whether to set up a city.
On Nov. 1, 2012, the Washington State Liquor Control Board (WSLCB) will host a live auction to dispose of its remaining inventory. The auction is not open to the general public. Eligible participants include Spirits Retailers, Spirits Distributors and/or most restaurant licensees who are age 21 years or older. Prospective bidders will also need to provide a bid deposit of $5,000.
The rain began Sunday, Oct. 14 and it looks season has started.
It was politics for lunch at the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce Kitsap County commissioners forum Oct. 11.
The political playoffs have officially reached the homestretch, which is evident the moment I turn on the TV looking for a football game.