CHAMBER NOTES | Local stores brimming with unique gifts

Our local shops and stores in Port Orchard are brimming with unique gift ideas.


The holiday season is on us and your list of people to buy for is just as long as it always is. What do you get for Grandma, who already has it all?

Well, you’d be surprised at the things that Grandma doesn’t have that you can find in a local market or boutique. Our local shops and stores in Port Orchard are brimming with unique gift ideas.

Here is a list of the 6.7 reasons you should stay home and shop local this year.

1. Buy Local — Support yourself: Several studies have shown that when you buy from an independent, locally owned business, rather than a nationally owned businesses, significantly more of your money is used to make purchases from other local businesses, service providers and farms — continuing to strengthen the economic base of the community. Locally owned businesses recycle a much larger share of their revenue back into the local economy, enriching the whole community.

2. Small businesses donate more than twice as much per sales dollar to local non-profits, events, and teams compared to big businesses. Supporting local shops means a financial impact on your community.

3. Locally owned businesses in our community create more local employment and self-employment. Not only do independent businesses employ more people directly per dollar of revenue, they also are the customers of local printers, accountants, wholesalers, farms, attorneys, etc., expanding opportunities for local entrepreneurs.

4. A growing body of economic research shows that in today’s standardized and regulated world, entrepreneurs and skilled workers are more likely to invest and settle in communities that preserve their one-of-a-kind businesses and distinctive character. The casual encounters you enjoy at local businesses and the public spaces around them build relationships and community cohesiveness.

5. Local businesses survive by their reputation and repeat business, which means you often get a higher standard of service. They often hire people with a better understanding of the products they are selling and take more time to get to know customers.

6. Shopping local saves you money. Out of town shops have done a good job of convincing us that local business equals expensive. If you add travel, fees to transfer items and your time, the overall cost is often much higher. If you are purchasing from an online merchant, you also need to take into account the shipping costs.

6.7 The last little bonus benefit from shopping locally is the diversity of options available. Local small businesses often offer products that are unique to the area. Purchasing decisions are made locally by independent businesses, each serving their customers’ tastes, and this creates greater overall choices for all of us.

This year before you face the hustle and bustle of the strip malls and big boxes, take a trip around Port Orchard, have lunch downtown, and check out some of the local options for your holiday shopping. Shop Small Saturday is Nov. 29, so there is no better time to start.

Matt Murphy is executive director of the Port Orchard Chamber of Commerce. He can be reached at 360-876-3505 or by email at The Chamber’s website is

