Is now the time to buy land? | Let’s Get Real Estate | April

Dear Jan:

This will seem like a silly question but is now the time to be buying land as in investment?


Dear AD:

I come from the school that no question is a silly question so thanks for asking. I have had a few conversations this past week about this very topic. This is what I came away with in those discussions.

Historically, interest rates are at an all-time low so right now you can buy more. Also, prices have stabilized in our area. Financial forecasters are saying we headed for inflation. Famous investors are buying land as they feel that land values are expected to increase.

So do I think that this is a good time to buy, yes. Should you buy land right now? That is a decision only you can make. Get together with a local real estate agent. Have them show you what like kind pieces of land have sold for recently and then perhaps you can decide if the risk is good for you.

We all wish we had a crystal ball, mine says that my company owner thinks we are headed into a great couple of years in real estate where we will see double digit appreciate again by about 2012.

Me, I am along for the ride.

