Let’s Get Real Estate

Should we sell now or wait awhile longer?

Dear Jan: We want to sell our home and buy another. We want to buy at a low price so have waited for the bottom of the market to hit. We think it is close. Should we sell now or wait awhile longer? B & T

Dear B & T: You, like many other buyers, are what we Realtors lovingly call fence sitters. I just attended a 2009 kick-off seminar. Your situation was one of the topics the speaker elaborated upon.

Here is what I took away from it. Right now is an excellent time to buy. Interest rates are at a historic low, for how long, we don’t know. Because marketing time is longer than it has been in the past, if you sit on the fence and wait, by the time your home sells, you could miss out on the great low interest rate and the excellent price you could negotiate on your new home.

So you need to sit down and do the math and see if you should buy now. If you price aggressively and take fewer dollars now when selling your home but save thousands of dollars while buying your new home at a good price and interest rate, then now may be the time to make a purchase. If you need help with the math give an agent a call, we are here to help.

If you would have a real estate question you would like answered, e-mail Jan Zufelt at janzufelt@telebyte.com; put KCN in the subject line.
