Let’s Get Real Estate

Dear Jan:

We are getting ready to sell our home. Should we have the septic tank pumped now?


Dear OB:

Normally, I would say “Yes, have it pumped now.” But since this market is slower than normal, I would say wait until you have an offer on your home. As a part of our typical purchase and sales agreement, there are a couple of forms that could be part of the transaction. One NWMLS form says that you need to have had the septic “inspected” within the last 12 months and pumped if necessary. The other form requires the seller to submit a County Evaluation of Onsite Sewage System for Property Ownership Conveyance Form which says that you must have done it within the past 3 years (referring to gravity systems, alternative systems have their own rules). Because many homes have been on the market close to a year, I would wait so that you save dollars. Your own agent may have a different opinion, so please be sure to ask them.


If you have a real estate question you would like answered, e-mail Jan Zufelt at janzufelt@telebyte.com; put KCN in the subject line.
